۱۳۹۶ مرداد ۹, دوشنبه

MEK/PMOI Popularity Threat to Iranian Regime's Existance

For many associated with the Iranian lobby and appeasers of the clerical regime in Tehran, the best way to prop up the regime is to discredit any alternative options presented to the international community. In addition, the lobby and appeasers continue to stress that regime change will lead to war. As an example, they point to the struggles of the Iraq government since the removal of Saddam by the U.S. and its allies.

The people’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) has been the subject of propaganda campaigns by the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) at home and by regime lobbies and appeasers throughout the international community. This campaign is focused on discrediting the MEK/PMOI, by saying there is no democratic alternative to the Iranian regime and that regime change will result in war and increased instability within the region.
But why is the MEK/PMOI being targeted so directly? The MEK/PMOI is the oldest, largest, and most popular resistance movement within Iran. They form the core of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), which is a coalition of opposition groups from all sectors of Iran. The PMOI/MEK was founded in September 1965 by three Iranian engineers who wanted to replace the Shah’s dictatorship with a democracy.

MEK Today
The MEK today is the oldest and largest anti-fundamentalist Muslim group in the Middle East. It has been active for more than a half century, battling two dictatorships and a wide range of issues. The MEK supports:
• Universal suffrage as the sole criterion for legitimacy
• Pluralistic system of governance
• Respect for individual freedoms
• Ban on the death penalty
• Separation of religion and state
• Full gender equality
• Equal participation of women in political leadership. MEK is actually led by its central committee consist of 1000 women.
• Modern judicial system that emphasizes the principle of innocence, a right to a defense, and due process
• Free markets
• Relations with all countries in the world
• Commitment to a non-nuclear Iran
The MEK remains a strong and cohesive organization, with a broad reach both worldwide and deep within Iran. MEK is the leading voice for democracy in Iran, supported by its interpretation of Islam that discredits the fundamentalist mullahs’ regime.



One of the great falsehoods of the Iran lobby and the appeasers of the clerical regime in Tehran is that any effort at regime change would inevitably lead to war. This by-line can be seen in every article by the Iran lobby and the appeasers attempting to underscore the growing global support for the Iranian opposition (MEK/PMOI) and the Iranian people’s quest for regime change.

A look at the back ground of the MEK/PMOI, Iran’s democratic opposition can be helpful in shedding light on the reasons for sometimes unprecedented campaigns against them. The People’s Mojahedin of Iran (PMOI/MEK) is the oldest, largest, and contrary to the mullahs’ propaganda, the most popular resistance organization in Iran. The PMOI/MEK was founded in September 1965 by three Iranian engineers, who sought to replace the Shah’s repressive monarchy with a democratic government.

The MEK/PMOI shifted course and directed its opposition against the Ayatollah, continuing its struggle to restore democracy in Iran. In June 1980, the PMOI/MEK organized a rally in Tehran to protest Khomeini’s escalating despotism. More than 200,000 people participated in the demonstration.
The regime is also threatened by every protest over low wages or unsafe working conditions. In many ways large and small, the process of regime change can happen slowly, methodically, and inexorably.
Mrs. Rajavi, in a recent speech at the annual gathering of the Iranian resistance movement and supporters of MEK/PMOI, opined that the movement did not require outside assistance from governments, such as the U.S., to succeed. It only needed the recognition by governments to be empowered.
The heavy lifting of pushing for regime change must come from within Iran from the Iranian people, said Mrs. Rajavi.

Evin Prison: The Iranian regime’s notorious torture factory

A prison guard stands along a corridor in Tehran's Evin prison

The Iranian regime lives in constant fear of an uprising to overthrow it. Such is its paranoia where opposition groups are concerned it has spent the whole period of its existence, eliminating dissenters.

Located at the foot of the Alborz mountains in northern Tehran, Evin Prison was originally constructed in 1972, under the reign of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. It was then operated by his infamous security and intelligence service (SAVAK).

Opponents of the Shah

Thousands of political prisoners were incarcerated there during that period, including many supporters of the Peoples Mojahedin Organisation of Iran (PMOI/MEK), fierce opponents of the Shah, and it was from this point on, its reputation of hell on earth had begun.

The 1988 massacre

With countless numbers having been incarcerated at the time of the now infamous 1988 massacre, thousands of their number can be added to the 30,000 dissidents that were murdered across Iran. This was done under the orders of the then Supreme Leader Ruhollah Khomeini to execute all those who opposed his regime.

۱۳۹۶ تیر ۲۸, چهارشنبه


Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran 

The annual “Free Iran” gathering of the Iranian Resistance, People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), commenced on July 1st attracting tens of thousands of participants from over five continents, including prominent political figures from the United States and Europe.  A wide range of topics were addressed and human rights were at the forefront.  Speakers used the opportunity to condemn Iran’s government for violating the rights of its people.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich also spoke of the regime’s oppressive nature and its constant threatening of dissidents.  He discussed the massacre of political prisoners in 1988 and highlighted that Iran’s current justice minister, Mostafa Pourmohammadi, played a critical role in the killings.
Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), reiterated that Iran’s Supreme Leader and all regime officials need to be brought to justice for their crimes against the Iranian people, especially the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners.  During the event Rajavi also paid tribute to those fallen for freedom.

‘A freer Iran is on the horizon’

- - Monday, July 17, 2017

I am so overjoyed by the focus of this conference, the theme of this conference, the hashtag of this conference. #Free Iran.
Without Madame Rajavi, people sitting there, all of you, we wouldn’t be where we are. We can see being able to convince the world that there are no moderate members of the present Iranian regime. When I hear the word moderate and I hear the name Rouhani, I think of the fact that he has actually killed more people in Iran than Ahmadinejad. He is a complete phony. He presents a moderate image to the world and to the Iranian people he is a violent, vicious murderer, so they’re afraid of him.
As Madame Rajavi said, it is long past time to declare the Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization. They have on their hands the blood of so many of your people and they have on their hands the blood of my people too, whom they helped to kill in Iraq. We should declare them a terrorist organization so we can cut them off of support around the world. And time has come for regime change in Iran.
Not only do we have regime change, but we have an alternative, and that alternative is you. It’s a democratic alternative. It’s a force for change. It’s well organized. It has popular support. And it has a vast network of supporters. And whoever doesn’t believe that, I ask them to do two things: Take a look at how many of your fellow compatriots are murdered by the regime. Think of how frightened the regime in Iran is of the MEK. That will tell you how strong you are…. And second, supporting the MEK is one of the reasons and one of the ways to break that loose under the leadership of a great hero, Madame Rajavi.

۱۳۹۶ تیر ۲۳, جمعه

Why the Iranian regime is incapable of reforming from within

Maryam Rajavi, president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The unprecedented strength of the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in Paris and Albania has severely alarmed the Iranian regime. It has also raised a pertinent question, can the Iranian regime be reformed within?
At the gathering in Paris, Kouchner said: “Zarif was welcomed in France yesterday. I do not want to blame French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian. We are an old republic, and on this basis we can welcome everyone and accept him in our country, but perhaps we should do the right thing at the right time”.
The annual PMOI gathering was held on July 1 at the Villepinte convention hall, northeast of Paris. Tens of thousands of supporters from all over the world gathered to attend this gathering. As the hall did not have the capacity to accommodate all participants, thousands remained outside the hall.
A gathering in Tirana, the capital of Albania, was held to join the Paris summit via satellite. Nearly 3,000 PMOI members who relocated from Iraq to Albania attended this gathering.
This huge rally represents the PMOI’s strength despite being in exile. It shows their capability of organizing such a large gathering and hosting hundreds of political and parliamentary figures from all over the world.
Maryam Rajavi, the main speaker of this gathering, is an influential leader of this Muslim-democratic movement who believes in gender equality and pluralism. In her speech she emphasized on three essential facts.

How To Tackle The Iran Dilemma

The Iran dossier is high-priority issue on the desk of US President Donald Trump and his entire administration. Both his Secretary of Defense and National Security Advisor have long years of experience in dealing with Iran’s belligerence, especially seen in the mullahs’ meddling in the Middle East.
The 1988 massacre is a highly sensitive matter for the mullahs’ regime in its entirety. While mainstream media in the West continue to mistakenly differentiate various elements in Iran as “moderates” or “reformists”, all factions inside the regime apparatus consider this issue a red line.
This very opposition, represented politically by the renowned National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and its President Maryam Rajavi, held its annual convention in Paris on July 1st emphasizing it is high time for the international community to adopt a policy of regime change vis-à-vis Iran.
For the past year, however, the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) has focused its efforts inside Iran through its network of activists on raising public awareness about this massacre. This has been welcomed on a wide-scale by Iran’s very young population, with nearly half the country under the age of 35.
A delegation of US Senators and Representatives sent video messages and were present at the scene to support a cause seeking freedom for the Iranian people. Standing by their side was a long slate of American dignitaries, including former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

Massive ‘Free Iran’ Rally Calls for Regime Change

Maryam Rajavi, president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

As the number one state sponsor of terrorism and the source of a fundamentalist ideology, the Iranian regime is the principal contributor to the crises that are riddling the Middle East. And the past eight years have proven that appeasing the mullahs ruling Iran will only render a bad situation worse.
This was the message delivered by the July 1 Free Iran gathering in Paris, an event attended by tens of thousands of Iranians expats and hundreds of politicians, activists, parliamentarians and religious figures from across the globe.
The international community should take that message seriously if it wants to avoid another war.
“Would giving concessions ever change the behavior of this regime? The answer is no,” said Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), during her keynote at the event. “This is something that has been already tested repeatedly for the past three decades by the US and Europe. And is it possible to contain this regime? No. the policy has been called containment, but in effect, it does nothing but obstructing the adoption of a firm policy against the regime.”
Former US ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton, who spoke at the Free Iran rally, called it “an arc of control which if it’s allowed to form will simply be the foundation for the next grave conflict in the Middle East.”

A democratic alternative to the Iranian regime – 'Free Iran' rally highlights MEK's role in Iranian resistance

Maryam Rajavi, president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

But many of the speakers and delegations also spoke of the real possibility of regime change in Iran, as they noted major changes on the international scene. Speaker after speaker from the United States pointed to the new policies of the Trump administration, while others acknowledged the Obama administration for its efforts to remove the MEK from the terrorist list.
Still, the highlight of the event was the keynote address by Maryam Rajavi, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) President-elect. She noted that there was an alternative to the current regime and its extremism.
"Since last July, the Iranian Resistance has hoisted the banner of seeking justice for the victims of the massacre of political prisoners 29 years ago, turning it into the main focus of political discourse in Iran today," said Rajavi.
She noted that in the recent Iranian elections, which many speakers called a "sham", that the slogan of the resistance was "No to the executioner, no to the charlatan". It was a slogan that was widely embraced by the Iranian people, and referenced the attempt by Khamenei to elect Raisi, a member of the death commission in the 1988 massacre.
Rajavi said there is alternative to the Iranian regime and it is the Iranian resistance.
"It is relying on political prisoners, who reaffirmed their support recently for this gathering from the depth of their cells and dungeons. It is relying on women, workers, teachers, professionals, and selfless youths. It is relying on their unsparing love and generous support, those who barrow money and sell their houses and properties to help keep this Resistance independent, strong, and solidified," said Rajavi.

Legacy of a dictator: Iran's 30,000 murdered, then and now

 Iran's 30,000 murdered, then and now

In the wake of the 30th anniversary of the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in summer of 1988 in Iran, the people of Iran and especially families of the victims are still waiting for justice and an international tribune.
"[A] dictatorship that appoints as its justice minister someone who killed 30,000 people is telling you everything you need to know about the core nature of the dictatorship," said Newt Gingrich, 50th speaker of the United States House of Representatives, at the Free Iran Rally in Paris on July 1, 2017.  "[D]ictatorships like the one in Iran threaten freedom anywhere," according to Gingrich, who called Iran the largest supporter of state terrorism in the world.
The massacre was ordered by the Khomeini decree, called a fatwa, that reads: "[P]olitical prisoners throughout the country who remain steadfast in their backing for the Mojahedin (MEK) are condemned to execution."
The massacre happened 30 years ago to eliminate the main opposition group, the MEK.  Despite the continuation of execution, torture, and crackdown during the past three decades, miraculously, the regime has failed.  "You will someday be proud to say you were a part of what freed Iran," Gingrich said.
"I want to salute you today for your courage and for your perseverance of the MEK and the NCRI," Said Linda Chavez, chairman of the Center for Equal Opportunity and former director of the Office of Public Liaison, at the Paris gathering.  "You are the ones who remain committed to freedom and to democracy for Iran and to eradicate the suppression, the terrorism, and the regime's demonizing campaign that has been directed at you.  Your perseverance gives up hope that we shall, in the end, defeat the phenomenon of Islamic fundamentalism, whose heart beats in the clerical regime in Iran.  I wish you a good meeting, and I wish that your message will be carried throughout the world."

۱۳۹۶ تیر ۱۵, پنجشنبه

Middle East peace hinges on regime change in Iran

An enormous crowd of participants joined hundreds of prominent dignitaries from the United States, Europe, and the Middle East. The entire convention voiced exuberant support for the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and its President Maryam Rajavi as the sole viable alternative for the Iranian regime.
The NCRI President then emphasized on how her people continue to suffer from the mullahs’ regime, highlighting their main demand for an end to the mullahs’ rule. “Regime change is possible and within reach,” Rajavi said. “The Iranian society is simmering.”
The Iranian opposition leader’s call for the international to once and for all designate the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist entity received echoes by former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, and even elevated by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.
“The Iranian people are the first victims of Khomeini’s dictatorship,” said former Saudi intelligence chief Prince Turki al-Faisal Faisal, also a former Saudi ambassador in the United States and the United Kingdom. “Your effort in challenging this regime is legitimate and your resistance for the liberation of the Iranian people of all ethnicities, including Arabs, Kurds, Baluchis, Turks and Fars of the mullahs’ evil, as Mrs. Rajavi said, is a legitimate struggle.”
Senator Joseph Lieberman reiterated Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream” speech.

Regime change in Iran is within reach

Maryam Rajavipresident-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

The Free Iran gathering, attended by tens of thousands of Iranians and hundreds of politicians, parliamentarians, religious leaders and activists from across the world, suggested the prospects of democratic regime change are becoming more and more viable.
"The winds of change have started blowing in our homeland," said Maryam Rajavipresident-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), during her keynote at the rally. "The ruling regime is in disarray and paralyzed as never before. Iranian society is simmering with discontent and the international community is finally getting closer to the reality that appeasing the ruling theocracy is misguided."
"The fact is the Tehran regime is the central problem in the Middle East," said former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton, who spoke at the event. "As the campaign to destroy the [Islamic State] caliphate nears its ultimately successful conclusion, we must avoid allowing the regime in Tehran to achieve its long-sought objective of an arc of control from Iran through the Baghdad government in Iraq, the Assad regime in Syria and the Hezbollah terrorists."
What makes Iran different from other countries in the region where revolutions have spiraled into chaos is that there is a solid and reliable alternative. "In this case there is something different. We have an alternative," former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani said at the event, referring to the NCRI, the opposition coalition led by Mrs. Rajavi.
The NCRI, founded in 1981, strives for the establishment of a secular and democratic government in Iran. The NCRI played a pivotal role in exposing Iran's illicit nuclear program since 2002.
What force is this alternative relying on? "It is relying on an organized and united movement with thousands of trailblazing and selfless members," Mrs. Rajavi "It relies on the genuine support of Iranians at home and abroad and the tireless efforts of its dedicated supporters."

The West Must Realize Rouhani Isn't An Agent Of Change In Iran

In the run-up to his election, Rouhani routinely invoked “violence and extremism” in his campaign rhetoric to bolster opposition to his leading opponent, Ebrahim Raisi, in the ongoing roleplay where the incumbent represents a more moderate approach than his acknowledged hardline alternative. This despite the fact that Rouhani had already demonstrated during his first term that he had no intention of challenging the violence and extremism of the clerical regime.
Many Iranians boycotted the presidential election to draw international attention to the fundamental lack of choice in a system where even self-described moderates like Rouhani are vetted by unelected clerics and judiciary officials based on their loyalty to the Supreme Leader and the ruling theocracy.
The Iranian people have always recognized Rouhani as a veteran regime insider who was a senior security official during the systematic execution of 30,000 political prisoners in the summer of 1988, many of whom were supporters of the main opposition Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK).

۱۳۹۶ تیر ۱۰, شنبه

Iranian opposition upbeat as Trump Administration talks of regime change

As thousands of supporters of the largest Iranian opposition group, the National Council of Resistance of Iran, gathered outside Paris today, there is new confidence that pressure on the Iranian regime could finally lead to change.
The new tougher stance from the administration is a welcome move for the leader of the opposition group, Maryam Rajavi.
“The United States and the international community must respect the desire of the Iranian people for regime change and recognize this right,” she told Fox News in an exclusive interview from her group’s headquarters outside of Paris.
"The overthrow of this regime, the mullahs' regime, is the responsibility of the Iranian people and resistance. Nevertheless, we want the international community to stand with the Iranian people.”
Rajavi tells Fox News that her group’s activists inside Iran have stepped up their opposition to the government, and says a revolution against the theocratic regime could come from within.

Turki al-Faisal: Iran is the greatest sponsor of terrorism in the world

Prince Turki al-Faisal, chairman of the King Faisal Center for Islamic Studies, said in his speech Saturday at the Iranian opposition conference in Paris that “the Iranian government is the greatest sponsor of terrorism” in the world.
Al-Faisal said, “Khomeini sought to export revolutions and coups to the region.”
Al-Faisal stressed that the Iranian elections are undemocratic and illegitimate because Khamenei appoints the candidates, saying, “the behavior of the Iranian regime does not qualify it to be a democratic system.”
Prince Al-Faisal said, “Officials of the Iranian regime should be presented to the International Criminal Court.”
Several figures who participated in the Iranian opposition conference in Paris called for supporting the struggle of the Iranian people calling for change by overthrowing Tehran’s regime.
Among the attendees of the conference were parliamentary delegations from Britain, Italy, Albania, Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, Tunisia and Algeria – as well as various other European countries.

Iran opposition convention pioneers call for regime change

Iranian opposition leader Maryam Rajavi delivering a speech at the Paris rally

A massive gathering of the Iranian Diaspora in a vast convention hall north of Paris voiced their compatriots’ demands for regime change in Tehran. The colossal and energetic event, staged annually by opposition coalition National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), led by its President Maryam Rajavi, brought together hundreds of former US, European and Middle Eastern officials and dignitaries.
Saturday’s rally was headlined by NCRI President Maryam Rajavi calling on the international community to acknowledge the Council as the legitimate voice and representative of the Iranian people, abandon once and for all the appeasement policy and adopt a firm strategy of standing alongside the Iranian people’s true demand of regime change.
American dignitaries representing both sides of aisle, including former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Senator Joseph Lieberman, Mayor Rudi Giuliani, former Democratic National Committee Chairman Governor Ed Rendell and a slate of many other political and military officials also added their voice.